Membership Application Instructions

The Club Membership year runs April 1st to March 31st.
If you send in a New Member Application now – your membership will be good thru March of 2026.
Dues are currently $75 per year
That’s like getting 3 months for FREE

Membership Application 2025-2026 INSTRUCTIONS

avfgclublogo Ammonoosuc Valley Fish and Game Club

PO Box 60
Woodsville, NH 03785

(1) NEW MEMBER APPLICANTS must bring the Application form with a check payable to AVFGC or cash in the amount of $75.00 and appear in person to a club meeting (held the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM) at the Club House in Bath to have your membership approved by the club. Once approved the member must attend an Orientation session before being issued a membership card.

(2) Renewals are payable by check or cash in the amount of $75.00

(3) ALL Members are required to complete and sign a RENEWAL APPLICATION each year. In addition, you must sign a copy of the RANGE RULES and Sign the LIABILITY WAIVER form required by our Insurance agent before being issued the GATE CODE.

(4) All members are required to work two events or workdays. When you attend an Event or Workday, be sure to sign the attendance sheet that day to get credit.

The AVF&G Club annual meeting is held on the first Saturday in April at the American Legion Ross Wood Post 20 at 4 Ammonoosuc Street in Woodsville, NH. New Officers are elected and important issues are discussed and voted on at that meeting.

The Gate Code will change right after the Annual meeting. The gate code is on the back side of your membership card. This code opens the entry gate and the Bathroom entry at the rear of the club house.

Please click on the link below to access the Membership Form

Application Take you to the application – once you have printed or downloaded the application you can use the menu options at the top or bottom of the page to visit other pages of the website.

Or you can go to the Membership Application Form on this page.

When the application opens in a new window the first page will be the instructions again, the second page will be the membership application. This application should look similar to the image below and you should be able to click in the New Member or Renewal box then click on that first name field in blue and enter your first name. Tabbing will take you to the next field so you can fill in the balance of the info. You can then send the pages to your printer or save the pdf file to your PC or Mac by selecting the File > Save As option and saving to the location you would like to keep it.

Member Survey – Please fill out the Member Survey

We have a Survey that we would like you to fill out and include with your membership paperwork. Click on this AVFG Club Survey 2025 to take you to the Survey. We explain on the Survey page why we feel this survey is important.

Example of the first page you will need to fill out of the Membership Application.

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